
11 Amazing Tips for Creating Content That Converts in 2023

Create content that converts your target audience into leads using content marketing analysis and strategies that is best for your brands and industry.

Blog Author

Manoj Shukla

Updated On

Nov 25, 2023

Published On

Feb 24, 2023

Time To Read

9 Mins

11 Amazing Tips for Creating Content That Converts

100 -> 10 -> 1 This is the typical funnel that Sales and Marketing people see daily.

100 being their audience, 10 will be the leads out of 100, and finally, the 1, which converts into a customer.

Leading SEO Company

Businesses are working tirelessly to convert all of their target audience into loyal customers, but due to some reasons getting and retaining customers is a hard task.

If we face the truth without blinking our eyes, we know that Content Marketing is about accomplishing business goals!

That’s why here are 11 great tips for creating content that converts!

How to Create Content That Converts?

Let’s dive into the amazing world of Content Marketing to make better engagement for your audience.

1. Know your Target Audience

Not every reader is your customer. Your customer is the individual/firm who is going to consume, use, or work with your product or service.

Let’s say, your’s specialty is Latte coffee and you’re serving only this type of coffee in the market.

So, targeting the whole coffee-lover community not a stupid thing here?

To increase sales and especially revenue you’ll only focus on Latte coffee lovers, they’re your true customers, right!

This same thing you can do with Content Marketing by identifying the needs of a specific group, personalizing your marketing campaigns, and building a stronger customer-company bond.

What are the details you need while defining your Buyer Persona?

  • Demographic characteristics - Their age, gender, education, location, etc.
  • Interest - What do your customers like or dislike.
  • Purchasing motivations - What are the factors that pull your customers to purchase your product or service?
  • Purchasing Deterrents - What makes your ordinary customer turn into loyal customers?

To craft the best conversion content examples, you can take the help of the below mediums to identify accurate characteristics of your buyer persona.

  • Go through your website analytics - This source will get you details about who is visiting your website (Demographics & Interest) and where they are coming from (Traffic source).
  • Analyze Social Media Data - You can monitor comments and likes on your social media profiles to find out what individuals within your target audience are interested in.
  • Reach out to potential clients - As we’re trying to group like-minded people here. So, why not ask people who are already loyal to us?
  • Contact your subscribers - You can send a questionnaire to your daily/weekly/monthly mailing list to know their learnings, insights, or suggestions on your content.

2. Perform a complex content marketing analysis

As per DemadMatrics, Content Marketing is 62% more cost-saving and generates more leads in comparison to Traditional Marketing.

That’s why, Content Marketing is a universal tool for targeting the right audience, increasing revenue, building brand awareness, driving conversions, and generating new leads.

These all things are the driving force behind firms investing in content marketing. And corporates are working tirelessly to create high-converting content.

Looking forward to making the most of your content marketing?

Let’s start with a complex analysis.

A good content marketing analysis should include:

  • SEO Analysis: To rank your website higher and higher on Google, you’ve to keep optimizing your website on a regular basis to keep up with the pace.
  • Another important part of affordable SEO services is conducting technical analysis that will help you fix crucial website issues to meet the standard of search engines.
  • Competitive Analysis: What to do, what not to do. Let’s learn from our competitors to find insights on the content that works best.
  • This analysis will help you to discover your rival’s SEO and social media results, and the most important source of traffic.

Below competitive analysis template is for you! Have a look.

  • UI/UX Design Analysis: Suppose, you’ve tried each and every tactic to pull traffic, but now the submit button on your website’s contact form is not working.
  • One small error can ruin all of your marketing efforts. So, give special attention to your site’s navigation, typography, layouts, prototypes, color scheme, and other technical and visual elements for a better user experience.
  • Content Distribution Channel: The time come to distribute your content!
  • Do brainstorm to find out the channels where your target audience is available, and ways for reaching out to them. Here are some ways to reach them:
  • Email marketing
  • Social Media
  • Public Relations
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Pay Per Click

3. Map your content to the Buyers’ journey

Every visitor has a different motive to come to your site. Some have probably never heard your name before. On the other hand, many are coming to your website to collect information, know-how, or something.

As a result, each and every visitor to your website is at different stages of the sales funnel.

Top of The Funnel Blog Post Videos Infographics Social Media Updates Podcasts
Middle of The Funnel E-Books & White Papers Reports Guides Case studiesTemplates & Toolkits List of resources Email Courses Quizzes & Assessments Webinars
Bottom of The Funnel Competitive comparisons Detailed specifications Customer stories Testimonials Consultations Demos Promo codes/discounts Free trials

As shown in the above table, some users may be at top of the funnel better call it as the awareness stage, in this, you can attract traffic via a blog post, videos, social media, etc.

In the second stage, the interest one, you can try to gain users’ interest in your product or service by educating them, providing more information, or anything to arouse their interest.

Congrats! If your user has reached this phase, you can consider he/she/firm as your lead now!

Do offer them marketing content that excites them to make a purchase decision.

4. Write an Irresistible Headline

Headline - The very first line.

There is a very high chance that readers will miss out on your article or blog, just because your article or blog’s headline doesn’t solve your readers’ problem.

We as human beings always look for solutions to our problems, and this is the thing you’ve to take care of while giving a headline to your well-crafted article or blog.

You should append an ample amount of timing for crafting the headline by taking care of the below points.

  • Write solutions to your readers’ problems.
  • It should be simple and easy to read & understand.
  • It must promise what’s inside the article or blog.
  • Avoid Clickbait Headlines - Which don’t deliver what is said.
  • Write an Irresistible - Reader can’t ignore to click.

5. Intrigue readers from the first lines


Your reader has clicked on the blog or article’s title, but the game is not over here.

The job here is to keep the reader’s interest and intent in the content. So, your customer doesn’t bounce back.

In this special section, you can write a brief about what are you delivering, how are you delivering, the ways to optimize further, or anything which you consider beneficial for your audience.

6. Craft detailed content that stands out

This section is the heart of your blog or article or white papers or whatever.

Remember, people are impatient. There are many reasons, some of them can be lack of time, laziness to read, or simply reluctance to do so.

Your job here is to satisfy their concern.

To please your readers don’t put unnecessary information, properly structure your content.

Moreover, consider the below points to make the content user-friendly.

  • Highlight the key elements with the use of bullet points
  • Try breaking up texts into short paragraphs
  • Enhance your points with the help of visuals
  • Include headers

7. Appeal to emotions

Fear, excitement, joy, sadness, and others. That’s all our emotions. Each and everyone on this planet earth feels emotions and lives with them every moment.

Luckily, your audience too!

This gives you a chance to create a bond with your audience by appealing to their emotions.

Here are some of the ways for you to build a bond that lasts:

  • Revive memories: Your customer’s memorable life events are the source of connection for you to talk with them in an efficient and effective way. For example, The 2015 Coca Cola’s “Choose Happiness” campaign, that encouraged people to share their happy moments with others.
  • Create visual storytelling: We see and hear things at the same time, this makes visual things like video, images, music, and any media lovable. These are the things that pull your audience closer to your brand. For instance, Nike has successfully engaged users with its brand by “Just do It” campaign.
  • Insert psychological triggers: We buy when we’re happy, we also buy when we’re sad. Emotions determine our everyday decision-making process whether positive or negative. Developing an emotional link can help you to encourage them for sharing word of mouth, purchasing more and more, or it can be any positive behavior. For example, “Thank You, Mom” campaign by P&G went viral as it boosted emotions, especially the feeling of joy when celebrating our mom’s strength.

8. Use the LIFT Model

Presenting you the most used technique for crafting web copies, but it's not limited only to web copies. You can use this in any kind of content.

This LIFT model consists of six elements, which you can implement while creating content that converts audience.

  • Value Proposition: There is something of value for your client or customer that your product is offering. Value is not the price that your customer will pay, but it's the actual benefits that your customer gets.
    For example, Bisleri is not only offering pure drinking water but it also saves you from any kind of disease that can result due to impure water.
  • Relevance: Is your content relevant to what your prospects expect?
    Content should be relevant to the target audience’s needs and feelings. It should answer their questions by keeping their needs in mind.
  • Clarity: How simple your value proposition is communicated is the prime thing here. A value proposition should be communicated in a clear and easy-to-understand manner; your audience should not be directed to another source for additional information unless absolutely necessary.
  • Urgency: This element you’ll surely find on the product or selling page. “Discounts of the season have begun!” “Its 100% free, for the next 5 minutes!” These lines can prompt your customers to hit the “Place Order” button because this element creates a sense of urgency to take the desired action with the FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out).
  • Distraction: Till now, we talked about only positive things. But there are so negative things as well. You need to check, if your content is distracting your audience away from your primary goal? Remember to create a good purchase journey without any negative elements, that can shift your buyer’s mind from placing an order to abandoning the cart.
  • Anxiety: Purpose of your content should be to lessen anxiety not to increase it. Do look out for the elements on the page that could create fear and uncertainty for your prospects about taking the last positive action. This is negative but if it's used in a good manner it can help you to boost conversion rate. Think about creating anxiety by way of giving huge discounts. Try out.

9. Include Multiple CTAs

The point is simple. The more time your users see your offer, the more likely they will take action.

It's a proven way to generate leads, increase conversions, or other forms of action that generate sales.

Try to make your CTAs hard to miss with eye-catching designs, compelling copywriting, and strategic positioning.

The design, size, and placement make a big difference in how well it works. Just Remember to keep CTAs visible, compelling, and appealing.

10. Optimize your existing content

This is a simple yet solid way of creating content that converts!

Keep updating your content with the changing times is the best way to keep ranking higher on Search Engine Ranking Pages (SERP) and also to answer the old age questions.

Below activity, you can perform to keep refreshing your content.

  • Remove outdated links
  • Update formatting to match with current best practices
  • Expand the post with new tools, techniques, or methods
  • Implement compelling inline CTAs and pop-ups

11. Offer Content Upgrades

Have you offered any document to download after reading out the article or blog?

Many times, maybe. you Say.

Well, that’s called Content Upgrade!

A content upgrade is a strategy in which you offer a detailed document to the reader for taking further action or strengthening the concepts.

Some ways in the work are:

E-Books - You can offer a book version of your existing blogs to the user to gain more knowledge.

Checklists - Suppose, you’ve made a blog that contains steps or processes to be followed. So, you can create a checklist that reminds your reader to follow the steps carefully.

Templates - Implementation is the crucial part after the reading. And you know its complexities more than your reader. Try to offer a well-defined template to your readers so that just after entering the values they can get the results.

The possibilities of this tip are virtually limitless, as it needs only a fraction of effort.

Wrap up

The content - be it texts, audio, or video - drives the web.

This blog has surely answered your how to create content that converts questions.

Moreover, creating top-notch, high-quality content is not an easy task.

However, there are endless opportunities for you to succeed with the right strategy, followed by the tips mentioned above. You only need to do research, practice, and have strong faith in yourself.

We’ll be happy to see you creating content that converts!