
Next-Level Marketing: Excel with Google Ads Experts in Bangalore

Advertising has changed how people interact with products and services. This has allowed businesses to target audiences using various demographics such as location, age group, interests, and various other factors. However, due to the increased number of ads everywhere people are accustomed to skipping these ads. To increase user engagement, create interactive and visually appealing ad copies with attention-grabbing phrases that entice them to click on your ad and visit your website, product, or service.

Webomindapps is a certified Google ads agency in Bangalore, we specialize in providing businesses with digital marketing solutions including Google ads. As a trusted Google partner, we offer reliable Google ads services for businesses across various industries for improved site traffic and conversions.

Enhanced Engagement

Why is Google Ads Good for Marketing?

  • Google Ads can be targeted to a wide range of users through websites, apps, phone UI, and across various platforms.

  • The advanced algorithms of Google help in targeting the right audience which can help in improving the conversion rates.

  • These ads appear instantly across all the search results after posting, the ability to customize the ads based on the impressions and other statistics helps in publishing ads on flexible budgets.

  • Google’s ad extensions will allow users to add additional information such as site links and callouts for immediate response.

  • The ads' ability to target users geographically and internationally makes this platform one of the best platforms to post advertisements.

Unlock Your Business's Full Potential with Our Google Ads Services in Bangalore

Search Ads Display-Ads Flexibility and scalability Multiple features High security High security
  • Search Ads

    • Search ads are highly targeted and appear in the search engine results when users search for specific keywords. Using these ads, we can help you grab direct intent from users and is ideal for improving conversions such as purchases and signups.
  • Display Ads

    • Display ads are visual/pop-up advertisements that appear on websites, apps, and YouTube. With these ads, we offer exceptional brand awareness and help in reaching a broader audience. Startup and medium-scale industries can benefit most from this strategy.
  • Video Ads

    • Engage with the audience more effectively through video ads. These ads allow brands to show demos of their product or service and also build brand awareness by engaging visually.
  • Remarketing

    • Re-engage with an audience who have previously visited your website through conversational ads with a reliable Google AdWords company in Bangalore to reduce cart abandonment the second time. These ads are perfect for promoting discounts and offers.
  • Landing Page Design

    • We build well-designed landing pages with engaging visual elements to attract the attention of the audience. We use these landing pages for specific ad campaigns to drive conversions and ad clicks. Suitable for lead generation, sales, and increase specific orders.
  • Ads Copy for the Campaign

    • We create ad copies with compelling text and images to drive clicks and conversions. We ensure that these text parts are exclusively catered to the target audience to match the user intent and highlight your unique selling points.

Our Ads Campaign Setup Process

Keyword Research for Campaign

  • Our Google Ads expert in Bangalore performs keyword research and identifies relevant and high search volume keywords and phrases that match your business goals.

Landing Page Creation

  • We design and build creative web pages that match your ad’s intent and the company’s vision to increase your conversion rates.

Creating Ads Copy

  • Our experts then create multiple ad copies to attract a wide range of audiences. This will also allow us to test these copies and finalize the one that performs better for improving the ROI.

Ads Campaign Setup

  • We determine your objectives, identify your target audience, develop various content formats, and select the right platforms to bring the most of your investment with engaging infographics and information.

Monitoring & Optimization

  • Our Ads experts monitor the ad regularly to find the potential causes and optimize them by adjusting bids, retargeting, and content across the website to ensure higher rates of conversions and ROI.

Measurement & Reporting

  • As a top AdWords management company in Bangalore, we evaluate the ad campaign based on various factors to provide the clients with monthly reports on all the services. This will allow the clients to monitor the performance of their campaigns effectively.

Let's Grow Together

How to Achieve Maximum Results from Google Ads Campaign?

Improve Landing Page Speed

Page speed is the most important factor in grabbing the attention of the user. If the landing page speed is not optimized, the chances of the user leaving the website are more usual. This is also the reason behind increased impressions and decreased conversions.

Optimize CTAfor Keywords

Ignoring the keywords in the Google ad copies is one of the most common mistakes. Google’s algorithm is good, but unless you target users through user queries you will not be able to attract enough audience to your website. Conduct thorough keyword research and optimize the CTA of the ads with keywords.

Increase Quality Score

The ad quality score reflects the quality and relevance of your advertisements, keywords, and landing pages. Improving the overall quality score will also increase the click-through rate, impressions, and conversions. Make sure you keep optimizing the ads for improved results.

Avoid Broad Match for better ROI

People usually go with broad match keywords, these keywords are used to direct your ad to a wide range of audiences. However, this results in directing your ad also to irrelevant audiences affecting the CTR and conversion rates. Make sure you use high search volume and long tail keywords.

Create a Remarketing List for Search Ads

A remarketing list for search ads is one of the most effective strategies to attract users who have previously shown interest in your brand. Using this you can analyze the user behavior and customize the ads accordingly to increase the conversion rate.

cta banner

Unlock Your Business Potential with Webomindapps

Step up your online presence with the proper utilization of digital assets.

Frequently asked question (FAQ)

The overall cost of hiring a Google ads agency in Bangalore depends on various crucial factors such as the number of ads, ad timeline, ad services you have chosen, and the popularity of the agency you are hiring.

One of the key advantages of Google ad campaigns is boosting sales. Google’s advanced algorithms will boost the ads to relevant audiences by analyzing their usage, history, and various other factors. This will increase both impressions and conversions.

Maximizing the ROI is a continuous process. As a Google AdWords management agency in Bangalore, we optimize the campaigns with various strategies such as A/B ad copy testing, keyword optimization, landing page optimization, and frequently remarketing and retargeting the ads to boost sales and maximize conversions.

By using relevant keywords, creating compelling ad copies, using relevant ad extensions, and improving the quality score of the ads, testing and optimizing your ads, you can increase CTR on Google ads.

A landing page is a single webpage that the ad redirects to when a user clicks on it. Whereas, an extended landing page consists of additional content including more interactive elements and details for comprehensive ad campaigns where more information is required.