How can e-commerce create oppertunity

How can eCommerce Create Opportunities in COVID-19 Second Wave

Covid-19 was not easy on any one. However, ecommerce shaped a great opportunity for many. Most offline business were forced to go online, measures that were taken to keep ecommerce running may be helpful in long run.

Updated On

Jan 12, 2021

Published On

Oct 05, 2020

Time To Read

5 Mins

The advent of the Covid-19 pandemic has posed many challenges throughout the business industry. Where some of them witnessed significant escalation and other has met with unforeseen hazards. Ecommerce industry, for a change, has experienced a new transformation around the world. eCommerce website development has strengthened the backbone of the industry and offered various strategic approaches to deal with the pandemic.

The first wave of coronavirus made the industry well aware of the impending issues and prepared with a more advanced approach so that neither the industry owner nor the customer faces any trouble while shopping online.

Our Ecommerce Team

Having said that, eCommerce website development can create a whole new opportunity with some strategic approach in business. What are these new possibilities? Is your business ready to take up the opportunities well? You can find out everything in the next section.

In this blog, you will get a detailed discussion from the top eCommerce web development wizards. They suggested the booming companies take the second wave as an opportunity and expand their business reach accordingly.

The stay-home regiment forced offline businesses to go online. According to IBM's U.S. Retail Index, the pandemic has geared up this process five years earlier. As per the U.S. Census Bureau stats, the e-commerce industry share in total retail sales increased at the rate of30%, from 11.8% in Q1 2020 to 16.1% in Q2.

According to the reports of statista

The eCommerce industry has witnessed massive growth in the last year, and the competition has increased to a great extent. On the other hand, customers prefer to choose online shopping; as a result, website traffic has increased immensely.

Employee Safety Is the First Priority

Many companies are back to office life. However, businesses need to be flexible enough to leap back to remote work if the situation demands. Your employees are your key to success. Therefore, protecting their health and providing them with all the essential infrastructure is one of your priorities.

Take a look at the important part of employee safety:

  1. Sanitizers, facial masks, and gloves for couriers
  2. Proper hygienic clearance of office
  3. Smooth communication with remote workers
  4. Proper infrastructure for remote workers
  5. VPN or Withe list of IPs for secure work with backend development

You can also organize proper medical insurance for their safety and better health. If you maintain the above-mentioned checklists for your employee, they will feel at home while working with your organization and give their best shot.

Keep Eye on Stock Management

Do you have enough stock of products? If not, consider making it available for the consumers. When the customer witnesses multiple 'out of stock' notification, they are more likely to distrust your brand and choose others over you. You should not let the customer feel unwanted and make the most search product always available for them.

You can also add features like 'how many items are available for them.' It will create a sense of urgency and stimulate them to complete the purchase. For a new visitor, available items are very important as they would create the first impression on them. Therefore, making all the items available would be your top most priority

Upgrade Website to Increase Visibility

Check your server settings. Is your worker limit enough to serving your business during the busy time? Or then again, perhaps the opportunity has already come and gone to move to an all the more impressive one? Regardless of the amount you enhance your Magento 2, on the off chance that you have fundamental blunders in worker settings, your site will, in any case, perform ineffectively. If you need more specialized information with an eCommerce website development company, you can add your site's possible capacity.

  1. Review JS, CSS, and HTML code; resize pictures and convert them into better arrangements; empower lethargic stacking. It's a tremendous piece of work, right? Utilize our Google Page Speed Optimizer module. It'll accomplish basically everything for you. Simply introduce, empower the required settings, and let the magic occur.
  2. And remember about the Magento page store. Introduce Full Page Cache Warmer to keep every one of the vital pages refreshed.
  3. Finally, consider how you can diminish the worker load. One of the answers to the popularity issue is a virtual lining framework. To furnish all guests with a pleasant experience while utilizing your site, you can make a line to set up the number of clients on your site forever and for how long. In this manner, everybody will have the chance to visit it. Be that as it may, you ought to be cautious about this strategy. Typically, clients will not anticipate being welcomed by a line when visiting a site. So you ought to tell clients ahead of time, giving all the required data loading it into engaging visuals with intelligent substance to sit back playing a game instead of holding up in a virtual line. Likewise, you can diminish the antagonistic impacts of the virtual line by utilizing them for explicit Magento 2 classifications as it were.

Don't Stop Marketing

India is going through an economic slowdown. From a larger perspective, the economic strength has been shaken with unemployment and business downfall. Many people are struggling hard to meet the expenses of their daily course. You should not feel discouraged to cut your marketing budget and keep the costs under control in this situation. You need to take the opportunity of the other side. People are confined within their safe boundaries and hardly going out to spend their luxurious time and money. Some of them are restricted to buying their essential commodities online, while others are still focused on their luxurious lifestyle differently.

People are more likely to buy all the essential and luxurious items online to avoid physical contact. As a business owner, you better focus on the other side and restock your items and explore different ways to market your brand. Most consumers are more likely to experiment with CPG options if to pinch pennies, or their general options are out of stock. You must make use of the situation and nudge potential buyers for your product through promotions, better convenience, etc.

Use Technologies to Improve User Experience

When you expand your online boundaries, the most important thing here is the power of technology. The customer should not feel any difficulty operating your site. Therefore, user experience should be your top priority. There are many eCommerce businesses down the row; if the consumers feel trouble choosing any product and fail to find a product, they are more likely to leave your site. Therefore, it is very important to work on the user experience and the seamless performance of your website.

Keep a check on the following things to make the user experience smooth:

  1. The smooth functioning of the search bar
  2. Easy shopping cart adding
  3. Multiple payment options
  4. Smooth checkout process
  5. Product track availability

Final Take

These tips will go to present a revolutionary change in your eCommerce business. With more advanced eCommerce website development services, you can set an example and make a more superior online experience for the customers. If you see the brighter side of the pandemic, your eCommerce business can witness better chances to cater to your brands; however, you need to come a long way to mold the infrastructure and use the technology more strategically. Update your website with the latest features and make the services more convenient for your customers. Remember, a bit of improvisation can do wonders and provide you with an extraordinary platform!